お客が満載な IKEA 行きは週末 はフリーですが、週中は片道5ドルの料金がIKEAで10ドル以上買い物すると往復フリーとなります。
6月から水上タクシー(Water Taxi)は、一日20ドル切符で乗り放題と各ピア(桟橋)に行け、自由の女神、Ellis島、ガバナーズ島、タイムススクエアへの桟橋と企画満載で、夜 景を楽しむ特別な35ドル切符も発行します。
大昔はNYの貿易湾として栄えていたブルックリンですが、ハドソン側対岸のニュージャージ州 のエリザベス地区が近代化され大型のコンテナ湾として栄えては、Red Hookは寂れてしまい再開発される前はブルックリン区の中でも危険な地区の一つでした。湾岸開発に大きく貢献したのが、Fairway大型スーパーマー ケットやIKEA(スイス系家具屋)です。
写真集と映像のミックスですが、船上なので揺れてしまう映像をご了承くださいませ。お 楽しみに!
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Some people love Ikea and some don't. Ikea-lovers are generally young, short on cash and space but long on love of Swedish design. Leave out the "young" part, and that's me! Aki, like a lot of guys, usually HATES wandering around in big stores, so I figured a good way to get him to come to Ikea with me was to tell him about the Ikea Express Water Taxi which for him comes down to two 10-minute photo-op trips across NY harbor. It worked really well!
So I took another weekday off, and we headed downtown to catch the Water Taxi's Brooklyn Ikea Express and to take photos of the latest downtown goings-on as well. As a bonus Aki enjoyed hanging out in Ikea, too. We had a great lunch there, sat by the window to catch the harbor view in the pleasant cafeteria, looked around a lot and bought a few odds and ends as well.
…And I finally got my very own Ikea Blue bag - for 59 cents!
Yeah, we New York girls like to our flaunt name-brand bags, too, but not the high-priced Coach, Gucci, LV bags that Tokyo ladies seem to love so much. We NYers like to show off our shopping expertise, frugality and eco-mindedness via our taste in totes.
And don't forget, to have a great time here on a tight budget, see our FUN THINGS TO DO pages (top right column). Have Fun!
日本語/明 English: Liz Y
the best is taking a sunset ferry and have a picnic on ikea's water front
ReplyDeleteThank you for my first comment!
ReplyDeleteWe'll do that soon...