More Ideas... - NY郊外

Other things to do in and around New York...

Interborough Adventures…
Where to start is up to you…

The Internet Movie Database
Let's go to the Movies!
『SHOWTIMES & TICKETS』がとても便利!観光中で悪天候なら、 NYらしい映画を観るのも面白いでしょう、宿泊してるホテルのジップコード(郵便番号)を記入するだけで、近所で上映されている映画と時間帯が一覧、当日 だけでなく一週間分の情報と各作品レビューもある。
IMDB will let you know where and when that movie you want to see is playing, no matter where you are. Just type in the zipcode of your current location.

The New York Water Taxi
Island-Hopping, New York Style
The Water Taxi gives you the choices, you set your own itinerary. Whether it's a shopping trip to Ikea, an island-hopping 1-day tour, or an Audubon Eco-cruise that "floats your boat", check it out.
Some Examples:
Hop-on/Hop off  - Weekends only, Memorial Day through Labor Day
Ikea Express - Now Running
Commuter Service - Now Running
Harbor Tours - Various Tours,  Schedules,  Destinations,  Prices
Suggestions are always Welcome
Entrance fees for attractions above are usually less than $20 per person.
Many are free of charge.
日本語/明 English: Liz