6時から目当てのニュージーランド映画『The Strength of Water』を観て来ました。上演の前に映画の内容に因んだ(幽霊?)マオリ(Maori)民族の素晴らしいライブダンスパーフォーマンスがありました。上演後に女優でお母さん役のNancy Brunningさんがゲストとして招かれていて、会場の皆さんとの応答もありました。
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Sorry we're posting this so late, but on May 20 (the REAL May 20th) we did get to see a very good film and some great Maori singing/dancing too, all absolutely FREE - Ain't this a great city? (see highlight video below) - at The Museum of the American Indian. The film, entitled The Strength of Water was shown for the first time in the USA. It was a sensitive story about a farm family in the northern part of New Zealand, a mysterious stranger, a tragic loss, and the family's reaction to that loss. Hato Paparoa and Melanie Mayall-Nahi was were especially good in their roles as the twin 10-year-olds, but the entire cast was excellent. I can't say much more without spoiling the film, but, story aside, the cinematography itself was beautiful, too. We don't get to see too much of New Zealand here, do we, and it's too bad we don't.If you ever get a chance to see this movie, by all means, do so!
As I watched the film what I kept thinking was that no matter how distant or different some cultures are thought to be, most of us humans tend to react the same way to most things, including pain and loss. After the film, Nancy Brunning, a well-known and multi-talented New Zealand actress and director who played the farm wife and mother was there for an insightful interview.
And, of course, we we also got to see the museum exhibits. I especially enjoyed Song for the Horse Nation; because I love horses; but most women do love horses, don't you think so?
The live performance was by the Kahurangi Maori Dance Theatre - I loved it all, especially those macho-esque displays by the guys! - see video below.
Have you gone on any adventures yet this summer!
For ideas, see our Manhattan or Free Live Shows, or Free Films pages, and let us know how it goes.
日本語/明 English: Liz Y
Hi, Liz!
ReplyDeleteI read your comments about Maori singing/dancing.
They were very interesting.
I have seen a New Zealand-produced movie as well,
entitled "Whale Rider". I was very impressed.
▽Whale Rider trailer: