Monday, September 13, 2010

New IMacが届きました•Liz’s New Imac

あまりの暑さが続きワイフの古いPower MacG4の寿命を縮めたようで、専門修理屋さんでもお手上げで、仕方がなく内蔵の2機ハードドライブを取り外し外用にして貰いました。頭を抱えていたワ イフを励まし5番街59丁目にある24時間オープンのMacストアに行ったのが8月3日で、火曜の夜中2時だというのに店内はクラブのように沢山のお客さ んが来ていました。(笑)

映 像とか観る分にはスクリーンは大きい方が迫力があって良いのだけれど、プロのグラフィックアートをしてるワイフの感覚では27インチは大き過ぎて、マウス を動かす範囲が広すぎて困るとのことで21.5インチの小さい方にしてみました。eMacの17インチで慣れている私には21.5インチはとても広い感じ です。
imac 21.5"
3.20GHz Intel Core i3
8GB 1333MHz DDR3 SDRAM - 4x2GB
1TB Serial ATA Drive
ATI Radeon HD 5670 512MB GDDR3 SDRAM
8x double-layer SuperDrive
Apple Keyboard with Numeric Keypad (English) & User's Guide
Magic Mouse
Apple Battery Charger
Microsoft Office Mac 2008 - Home and Student Edition
AppleCare Protection Plan for iMac - Auto-enroll
Airport Express Base Station N
Wacom Intuos4 Wireless Tablet - Medium

* * * * * * *
OK, so here’s what happened:
My old G4 was working fine, except that the power supply was sometimes acting up (if I shut it down, it didn’t want to go on again). I had replaced it a few years ago, so I knew that was the problem. We could usually get it started again by unplugging it, counting to ten slowly, and plugging it in again, but not this time!

So, we bundled up my sick Mac and wheeled it to the local Mac emergency room only to be told that G4s are not supported by Apple anymore, which means that they no longer manufacture that power supply. They did say that since my 2 hard drives were presumably ok, they could put them in external enclosures for me,  so data loss was no problem. (I do back up my bookmarks, address books, etc. but not as often as I should, so I lost a bit there.)

I suppose I could have hunted around for a refurbished power supply, but I decided to bite the bullet and get a new Mac. What really worried me, though was the software compatibly issue PROBLEM!

Since I design and manage websites, BIG websites, and have been using GoLive 6 (The best, least flakey version), I was especially worried.  Since Adobe acquired Dreamweaver, GoLive has been discontinued and even if I liked DreamWeaver (which I don’t), importing my sites that have thousands of files and a lot of hand-written code had me rigid with fear! I guess I could have retired to a cave in Central Park, but I have clients that depend on me; they would have hunted me down and pelted me with sticks and stones at the very least, I’m sure.

Anyway, the good news - GoLive 6 DOES work with Snow Leopard! (I installed Rosetta, an emulator which is available on the Snow Leopard Disk) so I’m back in business! - I also bought the standard (economy) version of Adobe CS 5 ($1260 on Amazon) and the home version of MS office for Mac to do my/Aki’s accounts ($200) - and a Wireless Wacom (because I’m spoiled). HA! the Wacom battery only holds a charge for a day so it’s usually wired to my imac anyway.

I got the imac with the “smaller” 21.5 inch screen, but lots of RAM because you can never have enough RAM, and now that I have reconfigured all the preferences, added different things to the dock, menu bar, window toolbars, etc., I’m finally happy with it!

I especially like Time Machine, the backup software that comes with Snow Leopard (OS 10.6.4). You just hook up an external hard drive and after you it backs up very elegantly. The first backup takes hours, but after that, it’s just minutes, and you can work while it's backing up.

It’s set to run every hour, which I think is a bit much, ne? – So, I set it to back up only when I tell it to in the menu bar - usually once a day or so. Yeah, I’m a bit “old school” - I don’t like machines doing anything automatically. I always like to let them know that I’m still in charge.

There are lots of little elegant touches in the Apple email program, too: e.g.If someone sends you an email with a date, address or phone number in the body and you hover above it, Apple will ask if you want to enter it in your address book or calendar. What impressed me so much about that is that it reads even dates in Japanese as well!

Ok, no more about my new Mac. and on to more New York adventures!

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